Our disabled boy Kimani always says in Italian: "chi non lavora, non mangia" (whoever doesn't work, must not eat).
That is a wonderful truth.

To me, this sentence is also a program of life, which goes together with my vow of poverty. Living in Africa for many years, I am aware that many people are much more poor than me, although they have no vow of poverty.
Somebody sometimes told me: "you make the vow of poverty, and we live it!"
There is a lot of painful truth in that sentence.
So, where do I find my consistency when I say that I am poor?
First of all I believe it is in working hard.
Our rules as Cottolengo Brothers state it very clearly: "the brothers must eat the bread they earn every day through the work of their hands".
The hard working conditions we have in Chaaria, where I am on duty seven days a week, and I am on call every single night of the year, are exactly what makes me poor: I am poor because I am working as the working class, because i cannot afford a doctor relieving me at night or during the week end.
I believe that a religious person who does very little during the day cannot be a good example to the people and betrays non only the commandment of love, but also the vow of poverty.
How could a poor employee stay without going to job? He would not be able to provide for his family!
When I am working nearly 24 hours a day for 7 days a week, I am not ashamed of having an ultrasound machine, a gastroscope, a laptop or even a car taking me to Meru for continuous medical development: the people will still know that I am for them completely, that I am with
them and somehow I am like them. If i were a rich fellow, i would not bear the lifestile of Chaaria: I would be a boss just commanding!
Hard working is a central testimony for me as a religious missionary.
I may be late for prayer sometimes, but, if I have dedicated myself to the others until my energy is totally finished, the people will still believe that I am a good missionary.
On the other hand, if I am never late for prayer, but I do nothing for the others, nobody will be attracted by the Gospel i wanto to preach.
In conclusion, I can say that I always eat without fear of stealing my bread, because normally I work from dawn until very late at night.
Bro Beppe
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