venerdì 6 dicembre 2013

Go well, Madiba!

Nelson Mandela has finally gone to rest at 95 years of age.
The world has lost one of its most prominent sons: Nelson Mandela is in fact not only the first democratically elected president of South Africa after the dark years of Apartheid, but he is a role-model for all humanity. He is an example of forgiveness: he has forgiven his jailers in Robin Highland; he has been able to have good collaboration and dialogue with the former rulers of the era of segregation; he has been the president of all South-Africans, both black and white.
Mandela has been a man of humility and he has taught everybody the greatness of a life of service.
Even here in Chaaria, we feel sad and happy in the same time: sad because the world has lost such a great figure, and happy because his legacy will remain for ever. Following his example, also here in Chaaria we try to live as brothers and sisters, no matter of the color of our skin: Mandela inspires us to live together, to love and serve one another because we are all sons of God, either black or white in our skin.
What is the color of the skin, by the way?

Many times in theater we think of Madiba when we cut the skin of our patients during an operation, and jokingly we comment that under the skin we are all the same: fat is yellow, tissues are pink and blood is red… so it is very difficult to understand where all the racist behaviors based on color come from. To be black or white involves one single organ of our bodies. All the others are completely the same. On top of everything, we are all sons of God.
Nelson Mandela is for us a continuous example of fraternal love, humility and service.
We mourn him and in the same time we celebrate his life.
Like Francis of Assisi, Gandhi, Martin Luther King he is one of the bright lights helping us to keep going and not to loose direction.
May this black child in my white arms be a wish of love and unity beyond any race, color or nationality.

Bro Beppe

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Chaaria è un sogno da realizzare giorno per giorno.

Un luogo in cui vorrei che tutti i poveri e gli ammalati venissero accolti e curati.

Vorrei poter fare di più per questa gente, che non ha nulla e soffre per malattie facilmente curabili, se solo ci fossero i mezzi.

Vorrei smetterla di dire “vai altrove, perché non possiamo curarti”.

Anche perché andare altrove, qui, vuol dire aggiungere altra fatica, altro sudore, altro dolore, per uomini, donne e bambini che hanno già camminato per giorni interi.

E poi, andare dove?

Gli ospedali pubblici hanno poche medicine, quelli privati sono troppo costosi.

Ecco perché penso, ostinatamente, che il nostro ospedale sia un segno di speranza per questa gente. Non ci sarà tutto, ma facciamo il possibile. Anzi, l’impossibile.

Quello che mi muove, che ci muove, è la carità verso l’altro, verso tutti. Nessuno escluso.

Gesù ci ha detto di essere presenti nel più piccolo e nel più diseredato.

Questo è quello che facciamo, ogni giorno.

Fratel Beppe Gaido

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