domenica 19 luglio 2015


On Saturday 18th July, I have been a guest of Olga and Radek who have got married in a small town not far from Warsaw. It was a wonderful Polish wedding, full of happiness and traditions.
I was very happy to meet their parents as well.
Olga and Radek had been in Chaaria for three months as volunteers and the memory of their time in Kenya with us is still very strong.
I have taken to them a small gift which wants to witness how all our staff members remember and appreciate them after nearly two years.
We wish them all the best for their future; and for their new family, we wish happiness and fulfillment.
Yesterday I had also the possibility of asking Radek to help me in the publication of my new book, through a number of the wonderful photos he had taken while in Chaaria. Of course he is very positive about that, and I thank him very much
During the wedding party there was also the opportunity for me to give a speech on our missionary activity in Kenya and on the possibility of working in Chaaria as volunteers.

People were very interested and supportive. In fact Poland is the second source of volunteers for our hospital, after Italy: even now we have two volunteers in Chaaria and we expect another one in August. The nice bit about the Polish volunteers is that they work with us for three to six months, and that gives them enough time to get experience and to become independent and very useful.
Last but not least, it seems that Radek will be able to publish a wonderful photo album on our “good sons” of the center. Even that will be another gift for Chaaria and another instrument to spread the news on our service in Kenya.
While leaving Poland and catching a plane to go back to Italy I wish happiness to Olga and Radek, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the many Polish volunteers and supporters who have helped Chaaria so much during the course of the last few years.

Bro Beppe

Nessun commento:

Chaaria è un sogno da realizzare giorno per giorno.

Un luogo in cui vorrei che tutti i poveri e gli ammalati venissero accolti e curati.

Vorrei poter fare di più per questa gente, che non ha nulla e soffre per malattie facilmente curabili, se solo ci fossero i mezzi.

Vorrei smetterla di dire “vai altrove, perché non possiamo curarti”.

Anche perché andare altrove, qui, vuol dire aggiungere altra fatica, altro sudore, altro dolore, per uomini, donne e bambini che hanno già camminato per giorni interi.

E poi, andare dove?

Gli ospedali pubblici hanno poche medicine, quelli privati sono troppo costosi.

Ecco perché penso, ostinatamente, che il nostro ospedale sia un segno di speranza per questa gente. Non ci sarà tutto, ma facciamo il possibile. Anzi, l’impossibile.

Quello che mi muove, che ci muove, è la carità verso l’altro, verso tutti. Nessuno escluso.

Gesù ci ha detto di essere presenti nel più piccolo e nel più diseredato.

Questo è quello che facciamo, ogni giorno.

Fratel Beppe Gaido

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