Clinical features
Meticulous history is essential (e.g.
history of previous hospitalization for sickle cell disease, blood loss due to
Clinical features of anaemia include:
- Irritability, restlessness, anorexia, easy
- Pallor of the mucous membranes
(conjunctivae, lips and tongue), nail beds and palms.
- There may be splenomegaly and a short,
soft, apical systolic murmur.
- Heart failure and shock (severe cases).
- Hb estimation
- Thin blood film examination for cell morphology and blood
- Stool for ova of helminths, occult blood
- Full haemogram
- Sickling test / Hb electrophoresis
- Bone marrow
- Urinalysis
Identify the cause and treat
Give a full course of an appropriate antimalarial drug.
Thereafter give antimalarial prophylaxis for 3 months. If the spleen is
palpable continue prophylaxis until it is not palpable.
Iron deficiency:
Give iron orally if;
− the anaemia is mild or moderate
− the patient is malnourished and not on
antibiotics or soon after the completion of antibiotics
Dose: Children: 6 mg/kg/day of iron
(ferrous sulphate 30 mg contains 6 mg of elemental iron)
Adults: ferrous sulphate 200 mg TDS
Review the patient and check the Hb every
2 weeks. Treatment should continue until the Hb has reached normal limits, and
then for at least another 4-6 weeks in order to build up body iron stores.
Folic deficiency:
Give Folic Acid to all patients who have
malaria and anaemia.
< 2 years of age 2.5 mg daily for 3 months
> 2 years of age 5 mg daily for 3 months
Hookworm treatment:
− Give albendazole 400 mg STAT for adults
− 200 mg STAT for children or levamisole
2.5 mg/kg as single dose
Sickle cell anaemia:
− Folic acid
− Malaria prophylaxis
− DO NOT GIVE Blood transfusion unless
patient develops cardiorespiratory distress (nasal flaring, intercostal or
subcostal retractions, heart failure, grunting).
Management Blood transfusion:
Use blood only when required to save life
Do not transfuse based on Hb alone, but also on the clinical
status of the patient
Transfuse patient if the Hb is < 5 g/dl AND there is ALSO:
− high fever
− severe infection
− heart failure
− severe symptoms e.g. grunting,
intercostal or subcostal retractions, shock, nasal flaring, very rapid
breathing, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness.
Transfuse any patient if the Hb < 8
g/dl AND there is ALSO:
− more than 20% blood loss (more than 1
litre in an adult)
− active bleeding with shock, hypotension,
cold extremities, slow capillary refill.
A multidisciplinary approach against anaemia
- Increased iron intake. Iron supplements, iron-rich diets,
increasing iron absorption and fortification.
- Infection control. Public health measures to control hookworm
infections, malaria and schistosomiasis.
- Improved nutritional status. Control of major nutrient
deficiencies, diet diversification and infection prevention.
(According to the Clinical Guidelines for
Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Conditions in Kenya)
In the photos pregnant and lactating
women, and children: the two groups most exposed to anaemia.
Nadia Chiapello
Br Giuseppe Gaido
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